Every action has an opposite and equal reaction, (also known as karma).

Today fellow readers, bloggers, or people who really don’t care but still have to do this. I will be talking about the dangers of pollution, however I feel that the discussions of pollution and anything pertaining to that topic have been spoken of again and again. So now it really is a topic that has been explored to the extreme, and is really not interesting or shouts wow to anyone. At least this is my opinion, whether or not you agree or not is up to you. Anyways I still have to talk about it, so, I shall get on with it. Pollution is a very, very bad thing, we all know this, yet we are still polluting, reason being is because we are stuck in using fossil fuels that produce pollution for energy. So why are we stuck? Because we have been using it for so long, that’s why, we are too accustomed to it. So for some info on this topic we have an info-graphic below, and believe it or not but we as a nation are second when it comes to most pollution. then there is china who is first and the other 3 nations below us but I won’t get into that when you can just look at it yourselves. Also if you don’t figure this out, the shadows of each person have different lengths, that is pretty much saying how much pollution the produced compared to other nations but not the actual number you can find that out below each person. Then we have some graphs for you to look at and enjoy, all the while learning how much pollution we produce. Another thing is that when we pollute we don’t just hurt the environment, we end up hurting ourselves which you can find out what can happen on the top of the info graphic.



Anyways, we have been using and abusing every time we interact with our environment. Even the most basic of things that we do in this day and age will cause some form of pollution like using a gas powered oven, or driving your car to work or for whatever reason. We pollute, more and more everyday, and there seems to be no end to it all, however if we want change to happen, we need to be that change, but the only way to change is to start investing into cleaner energy and to find ways of keeping the amount of pollution we produce on a daily basis. Now you have all probably heard someone say this or something similar, but the point is they are right, but here is the problem. We as teens are really lazy people, if given the chance we wouldn’t go to school and eat junk food all day long, now I am stereo typing this when I say that and I apologies to the people who don’t actually do this. But you can’t deny that teens are typically really lazy people, but still there are exceptions to this. Now I am really getting off topic but the point is we pollute a lot, and we won’t change until people learn to give up some stuff for the better good. Anyways you people who read this far have listened to me rant on long enough, so enjoy the time that you have, and if you really don’t care about the environment then just remember what could happen to you because of it, so if you don’t change to help the environment then do it to help yourself.

5 thoughts on “Every action has an opposite and equal reaction, (also known as karma).

  1. Miss Engle

    I was excited to read this blog based on the clever title, but I have to admit that I was put off by the introduction. If the authors and presenters don’t care about their work nobody else will. You need to hook your readers with an exciting and passionate opening. Important information about the environment is lost in the tone of your writing. I really wanted to hear your thoughts and opinions on the topic, but as a reader it is difficult to get past the negative vibe.

  2. Pingback: Pollution: An Interview by Noemi M. « Classroom Chit Chat

  3. 16jhansen

    To all people who read the comments and this blog, sorry for being negative, but I am not a big fan of this topic, because no matter what people say or do it doesn’t seem to change the fact that people as a whole don’t really care about it, because they probably think that it won’t affect them. So it’s just agrivating to see people say they care and then do nothing about it.

  4. Marjorie

    I was actually hooked by your first line and even read it to my husband because I laughed out loud. It’s refreshing to see humor integrated into serious topics. I think you could have done really well with this if you tightened it up a bit and didn’t create such a negative tone. You posted a comment that people don’t care, but as I read on it seemed that you didn’t care. Just because things don’t change overnight doesn’t mean people don’t care. We are making steps to use cleaner energy and other sources of energy. People like you can make a difference! I see creativity in your writing- I just wish you believed in what you were writing and cared enough to try and make a difference by changing a mind or two! You never know- you could be the one that makes people care!

  5. 16jhansen

    Alright, I just showed my mom this blog, and she’s right. I did come down a little too negative, but well I don’t know everything, I am only a freshmen in high school, and I personally don’t like this topic. So to cause some change we need a spark, to get things started, however we need someone to be that spark. It’s probably not gonna be me, but I am more than happy to give info on what I know. Anyways I’m just a naturally negative person, but I try to be a little more optimistic, so to not cause people to loose hope, i’ll say this, all you have to do is go on the internet wherever and whenever you can and just do a little reseach. Then if you have kids, teach them about it, or if you don’t, tell others about it. Next try and get a movement going, because the larger the group, the more convincing and everyone else becomes the weired ones and they just follow others to not be left out because people are social creatures. So please don’t let my personal dislike of the topic and negativity get to you, I really don’t like to cause other people problems.


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